Combatendo a desinformação ambiental
Projeto ambiental de R$ 500 milhões completa 3 anos sem beneficiar comunidades
Floresta+, apontado pelo governo como principal programa para a Amazônia lançou sua primeira chamada pública apenas em março; hoje, somente 6 famílias recebem recursos, em experiência-piloto
Leite follows Salles’s example and publishes false information on fight against deforestation
The new Minister issued a document blaming the Covid pandemic for the termination of almost half of IBAMA operations, celebrating actions that were never implemented, and discrediting Inpe efforts
Brazilian ambassador lies about indigenous peoples in letter to US representative
Nestor Forster stated that the Supreme Court “authorized” the government to act against illegal gold miners on Yanomami land; in fact, the Court forced the Executive to act
Brazilian ambassador in Italy distorts information on agribusiness and deforestation in letter to newspaper
Helio Ramos, picked by Bolsonaro, has disputed a report published in Italy's biggest financial newspaper
In a press conference, government misinforms on the Amazon
Press conference took place after meeting with investors who expressed concern about environmental policy
Brazilian government letter to European Union contains fallacies and errors
False data and exaggerations range from the paternity of the Council of the Amazon to the pasture area, passing through climate goals
Cenário ainda mais sombrio
A “Operação Verde Brasil 2” mostrou uma bem-vinda intenção de combater as atividades ilegais na Amazônia, mas é sua única ação no sentido correto, muito aquém do necessário